Richmond Hill
255 16th Ave. Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 7A6
The Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean) began in Switzerland about the year 1830 when S. H. Froelich had a genuine experience with God which transformed him. As a trained minister of the state church, he attempted to teach a living relationship with God through repentance and regeneration. Froehlich was cast out of the state church but felt bound to continue to teach the truth which had set him free. This faith spread rapidly through Switzerland, and Eastern Europe and then through North America as well..
The doctrine is based largely upon the teaching of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, aimed “solely at the saving of souls, a change of heart through regeneration, and a life of godliness guided and directed by the Holy Spirit.”
The church consists of members who have been converted to Christ, reborn, baptized, and who strive for sanctification; “and of such friends for the truth who sincerely and earnestly strive to attain adoption to sonship in Christ.” Members are noted for their life of simplicity and obedience to the Bible, and are required to live “according to the Gospel of Christ, subject to the authorities, strive to be at peace with their fellow men, and fulfill their obligations as good citizens.” We refuse to take up arms, since this denies the biblical command to love one’s enemies; but we will engage in noncombatant service. We believe in holding each other accountable and practicing church discipline to encourage greater holiness in each one of us.
The local churches are independent in policy but united in fundamental organization. Each church is served by elders who are authorized to baptize, lay on hands, serve The Lord’s Supper, and conduct meetings for the exercising of church discipline. There are no educational institutions, and the ministers are not paid. They are expected to depend upon the inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit.
With approximately 46 churches and 2,700 members across the United States and Canada, there are also missionaries in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, New Guinea, and Ghana.